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At Eagle’s Landing...

…we want to equip, mobilize, and send our members to engage their neighbors for the sake of the gospel.

We want to see our people living to make Jesus known right where God has them. God has given each of us our own unique circle of influence where we live, work, and play. These areas represent opportunities to connect with people and point them to Jesus.

We likewise see that God wants the church to combine the passionate proclamation of the gospel with the practice of compassionate mercy toward the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized people we encounter. So we also engage our community for the gospel by teaming up with like-minded organizations and ministry partners who meet the needs of those around us.

local focus areas

We organize our community engagement efforts into five focus areas

Education—helping at-risk students engage in learning and encouraging the educators teaching them.

Freedom—encouraging individuals and families impacted by imprisonment.

Family Advocacy—supporting and strengthening vulnerable families, including through fostering and adoption.

Biblical Justice—engaging those at risk of being exploited, like refugees and internationals, women in crisis, and vulnerable children and youth.

Poverty—serving families and individuals impacted by financial crisis with strategic, compassionate relief, so they are not locked in the cycle of poverty.